President's Message
The most pressing environmental problems facing the 21st century are complex and often require collaborative investigation by scholars versed in a broad range of disciplines. Energy and current environmental issues are major driving forces of technology development in the 21st century. New engineering projects will need to take into consideration carbon reduction, energy conservation, new materials, micro-climates and impacts on the environment and health.
The establishment of the HKUST Energy Institute manifests the University's continuous commitment to being at the forefront of securing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for the future. The Institute is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for fostering energy-related research and curricular programs that gather talent, coalitions and partnerships from across the University and beyond. In addition, the programs cover energy in all of its forms, with special emphasis on innovation and development.
Building on HKUST's existing reputation for excellence in research, the Institute strives to provide a strong and visible leadership role in energy research in Hong Kong, as well as to engage in emerging energy research that will have a long-term, transformative effect on Hong Kong and the nation's energy future. The Institute also promotes knowledge transfer in collaboration with local and international partners and establishes a channel of communication between the University and the public through outreach activities.
Combining these efforts, we urge the HKUST community to become intimately involved and actively informed about the major energy challenges facing the world.
Nancy Y. IP