Scholarship Award
Steven Ying PhD Research Award
With a generous donation by Foundation for Amazing Potentials, HKUST Energy Institute (“EI”) launched the “Steven Ying PhD Research Award 應琦泓先生博士生傑出研究奬” (the “Award”) in 2025 to open up new opportunities for postgraduate students to pursue their careers in the field of the chosen research.
Boldness, creativity and perseverance are crucial for achieving research success, and solid research findings are the foundation of groundbreaking discoveries and innovations. The “Steven Ying PhD Research Award 應琦泓先生博士生傑出研究奬” aims to recognize and reward PhD students who have demonstrated outstanding research performance and achievements in the areas of sustainability, environmental studies, energy technology, green technology or related disciplines.
Each Awardee will receive an one-off cash prize of HK$50,000. A total of TWO Awards are available per academic year.
We welcome applications from full-time student of Doctor of Philosophy (“PhD”), both local and non-local, who:
- focuses on the research areas in sustainability, environmental studies, energy technology, green technology or related disciplines;
- demonstrates how the research delivers impactful solutions to address the needs for a sustainable community and to enhance the quality of life;
- has obtained cumulative grade average (CGA) 3.5 or above, and a rating of 1 in the University’s RPg Annual Program Report;
- Past awardees who have received the same research award before will not be considered.
All applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- the significance and impact of the research findings and the potential on paving new ways for promising applications/solutions on tackling real-life challenges;
- the research studies should be related to environmental studies, sustainability or energy technology, align with societal questions or problems identified, and demonstrate how the research work addresses the issues with practical innovation;
- academic performance.
Application Submission Instructions
Please email the application materials to by15 March 2025.
Application Materials:
- Application form: please download here
- Proof of cumulative grade average (CGA) 3.5 or above, and a rating of 1 in the University’s RPg Annual Program Report
- A curriculum vitae/ resume
- Personal statement and a summary describing research work and achievements. (in 800 words)
- Recommendation letter from Supervisor
Award Timeline
Application Deadline: 15 March 2025
Result Announcement: May 2025