

PhD in Computational AeroAcoustics
Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Area
Energy Generation
Research Interests
Practical Application to Aerospace & Energy Sectors (aircraft, drones, wind turbines, etc.)
Numerical Simulation in Aero-Acoustics (highly accurate & hybrid methods, large scale computing)
Fundamental Investigation of Flow & Noise Physics (passive & active flow control)
Conceptual Exploration of Low Emission Technologies (chemical & acoustical)

Prof. Redonnet holds a MSc (dual degree in Math & Physics, with honors), a PhD (with very high honors), and a Professorship Accreditation  (French so-called 'Habilitation', equivalent to UK's DSc).

Before joining HKUST, Dr. Redonnet was Senior Research Fellow at ONERA (French national Aerospace Research Center), where he served for more than fifteen years. There, he conducted activities and endorsed responsibilities that gradually increased in spectrum and intensity, relating to either scientific research (technical expertise, scientific advisory), project management (research projects, business partnerships) and/or international affairs (scientific cooperation, governance concertation). As such, he was involved in various large-scale initiatives gathering major stakeholders of the aerospace research, worldwide (industry, academia, official bodies). Among other things, this led him to work closely with various industries (e.g. Airbus), to cooperate for a decade with NASA (where he spent 1.5 year as Visiting Researcher), as well as to engage in worldwide governance initiatives (e.g. the International Forum for Aviation Research, IFAR, which he chaired the working group devoted to aircraft noise mitigation).

Prof. Redonnet’s research activities primarily focus on flow and/or noise physics. Through the fundamental investigation, the numerical simulation and/or the conceptual explorations of aero-acoustics phenomena, these research works support the development of disruptive technologies offering lower emissions (chemical, acoustical), thus helping the aerospace and energy sectors to “green” their products and operations (aircraft, drones, wind turbines).

So far, Prof. Redonnet has (co)authored 80+ research papers, conducted many research projects as Principal Investigator, coordinated various international cooperation initiatives, and supervised/advised several PhD thesis/internships. He is Senior Member of the American Institute for  Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Editorial Board Member of the Aerospace MDPI Journal. He is regularly invited for acting as Peer Reviewer for top-tier Scientific Journals, as well as external assessor for research funding agencies.