Prof. Zhiyong Fan is currently Chair Professor at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Prof. Fan received B. S. degree and M. S. degrees from Physics Electronics major, Fudan University in year of 1998 and 2001 respectively, followed by a Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine in 2006 in Materials Science. From 2007 to 2010, he worked in University of California, Berkeley as a postdoctoral fellow in department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, with a joint appointment with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In May 2010, he joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as an assistant professor.
Prof. Fan’s research focuses on development of nanostructured functional materials for solar energy harvesting, particularly on three-dimensional solar cells and solar water splitting devices. He is also working on energy storage devices with nanostructured materials. Prof. Fan has published over 80 referred journal papers, including these on Nature Materials, Energy and Environmental Science, Nano Letters, Nano Energy, Advanced Materials, Proceedings of The National Academy of Science, USA, etc. These papers have received over 4,000 citations. In addition, Prof. Fan has 5 US patents on solar cell related technologies. He is currently a member of MRS, IEEE, OSA, ECS, Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS). Prof. Fan is serving as peer reviewer for a number of renowned journals including Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Energy and Environmental Sicence, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, etc. He is also serving as an assistant editor for Nanoscale Research Letters.