Molecular biology and biotechnology in energy plants and microbes

To enhance the productivity of energy biomolecule such as oil, cellulose and starch from energy plants, we intend to investigate the molecular regulation of energy plant and microalgae growth and development and to study the molecular control of lipid and cellulose biosynthesis pathways in model plant Arabidopsis, energy plant Jatropha curcas, Eucalyptus and poplar trees as well as microalgae.
The research approaches used to study energy plants and microalgae include:
- Transgenics, high-throughput transcriptomics and PTM proteomics technology to identify important genes and PTM regulatory networks that control oil and cellulose production and plant growth;
- Genetic engineering of energy plants and microalgae with the novel genes for improvement of oil and cellulose production and growth rate.
Photosynthesis is a cellular process unique to plants and algae, which converts solar energy into chemical compounds. The primary plant photosynthetic products are stored in the form of oil, cellulose and fiber and. All three classes of photosynthesis assimilates can be processed via chemical engineering process into biofuel such as lignocellulosic ethanol and biodiesel, respectively. As solar energy collectors and thermo-energy storage places, plants have always been a major source of energy for mankind and presently contribute 10-14% of the world's energy supply. Genetic modifications and molecular breeding of bioenergy crop plants aiming at improving oil and fiber yield, quality of oil and conversion efficiency are expected to bring about new generation of bioenergy crops. Bioenergy plants also have direct social, economical and environmental benefits such as stabilizing the rise of green house gas and mitigating the risk of global climate change and accumulating carbon credits.
Prof Ning LI
Professor of Division of Life Science